Visual Culture



Denise Grollmus is a writer, scholar, teacher, web designer, and translator who was the Simpson Center's Communications Manager from 2018-2020. 

José Alaniz, professor in the Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures and the Department of Cinema and Media Studies (adjunct) at the University of Washington, Seattle, has published two monographs, Komiks: Comic Art in Russia (University Press of Mississippi, 2010) and Death,

Having completed her first book, Urbanism and Urbanity: The Spanish Bourgeois Novel and Contemporary Customs (1845-1925) (Bucknell UP) in 2013, Professor Mercer is currently finishing another book manuscript, titled An Incoherent Voyage: Spanish Cinema Pioneers, Between Technophilia

Kemi Adeyemi is Assistant Professor of Gender, Women and Sexuality Studies and Director of The Black Embodiments Studio at the University of Washington.

Ungsan Kim us an Assistant Professor of Asian Cinema jointly appointed in the Department of Asian Languages and Cultures and the Department of Film, Television, and Media.

Jenna Grant is a cultural anthropologist working in the fields of medical anthropology and medical humanities; feminist and postcolonial science and technology studies (STS); visual anthropology; and Southeast Asia Studies.

Belinda Qian He is a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Comparative Literature, Cinema & Media (CLCM) at the University of Washington.

Professor Jang Wook Huh specializes in ethnic American and comparative literatures, with an emphasis on modern cross-cultural exchanges in transpacific circuits. He is currently working on a book that examines the literary and cultural connections between black liberation struggles in the U.S.

Yomi Braester's research focuses on literary and visual practices, with emphasis on modern China and Taiwan—in architecture, advertisement, screen media, and stage arts. He inquires how texts and images form and manipulate our perception of space and history.

Susan Gaylard completed her undergraduate work in her native South Africa, before studying at Berkeley and the Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa. Prof. Gaylard focuses on the early modern period, in particular the intersection between literature and material culture.

Ellen Chang is a doctoral candidate in Cinema & Media Studies (CMS) and the 2020-2021 CLIP Fellow at the Department of Comparative History of Ideas (CHID) at the UW, and is currently teaching, in collaboration with Carlos Salazar from the School of Drama, their&n

Verena Kick’s scholarship encompasses 20th century German modernism, film, and digital humanities.

alma khasawnih was a 2017-2018 Mellon Collaborative Fellow for Reaching New Publics. alma researches access to the street in post-colonial and settler-colonial nation-states as a site of understanding and articulating access to citizenship.

Phillip Thurtle is professor in CHID and History. He received his PhD in history and the philosophy of science from Stanford University.

Minda Martin's creative activity and research stems from her position as a maker of experimental documentary and narrative films and videos. Her work explores the underpinnings and disparities of social class. Her films began as a way to understand her life experiences.

Sonnet Retman is a literary scholar who works on African American literature and culture.  Her work explores how narrative produces race as it intersects with constructions of gender, sexuality and class.  She is particularly interested in analyzing the meanings of racial representation

Pamela Pietrucci was a 2014-2015 Digital Humanities Summer Fellow. 

She is currently Assistant Professor of Communication at the University of Copenhagen.

I am generally interested in historical and interdisciplinary approaches to the study of modern culture.

Yandong is a PhD Candidate in Cinema and Media Studies at the University of Washington. He works at the intersection of media theory, history of technology, history of design, and environmental humanities.

Hope St. John is a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Anthropology studying photographic practice in contemporary Qingdao.

Kaitlyn Boulding is a doctoral candidate in the department of Classics. Her dissertation research explores the relationships between craft, cosmological myth, festival cultures, the transmission of knowledge in Hesiod and Plato.

Katherine Morrow earned a doctoral degree in Comparative Literature in 2019. She was a visiting lecturer at Wellesley College from 2019-2021.

Guillaume Tourniaire was a 2017-2018 Mellon Collaborative Fellows for Reaching New Publics. He has taught courses in theater history and analysis at the University of Washington, Cornish College of the Arts, and Catholic University.

Sofia Huerter was a 2019 Mellon Collaborative Fellow for Reaching New Publics with Justin Lawson

Mal Ahern is an Assistant Professor in Cinema and Media Studies at the University of Washington. Broadly, her research focuses on media technology, visual culture, and the history of capitalism.

Jasmine Mahmoud is Assistant Professor of Theatre History and Performance Studies at the University of Washington, with affiliate appointments in Art History and Comparative HIstory of Ideas.

James is a design and human-computer interaction (HCI) researcher who examines technological interfaces between people, data, and environments. Drawing on diverse theoretical perspectives, he studies how interfaces mediate human action, perception, and social practices.

Miriam Chusid is an assistant professor of art history at the University of Washington.

Sudhir Mahadevan is an Associate Professor in Comparative History of Ideas (with a joint appointment in Cinema and Media Studies). He is the author of A Very Old Machine: the Many Origins of the Cinema in India (SUNY Press, 2015).