For Faculty

funding spelled out in scrabble tiles


Upcoming Opportunities


Fall Funding Round Application Dates

Opens: October 11, 2024
Due: November 15, 2024




Co-Sponsored Events

Applications accepted on a rolling basis from July 1 - April 30 for events occurring during the academic year.

Important Dates

Application Dates

Eligibility & Funding Available

Tenure-track faculty and teaching faculty may request small discretionary grants (maximum $750) to support opportunities such as visiting speakers, workshops, and conferences. We seek to support a variety of departments and events across the academic year through co-sponsorships. At least two units or departments must be involved to propose an event. Applicants for co-sponsorship are eligible to request hosting on the Simpson Center’s YouTube.

Please note: Co-sponsorship funding supplements the support of the lead unit, which is expected to administer funding and the event. The Simpson Center can promote the event through our calendar and website but does not assume additional organizational responsibilities for co-sponsored events.

Scheduling note: The Simpson Center does not co-sponsor events that conflict with other events we are supporting.

YouTube Hosting: The Simpson Center may have further questions regarding plans and will evaluate YouTube hosting requests on the basis of cost (including time and availability of Simpson Center staff) and on the merits of broadly distributing the event recording through a public platform such as YouTube.

Application Instructions

Send an email to Caitlin Palo at with the information below. Please include basic information about your event as follows:

Event Name:
Event Date & Time:
Your Name & Department:
First Sponsoring Unit or Department:
Second Sponsoring Unit or Department:
Name and Email of Administrator for Event Funds:
Funds or Resources requested from the Simpson Center:
Description of Event (~1 paragraph - 1 page):