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As one of the Mellon Fellows for Reaching New Publics, I’ve been researching the experience of UW graduate students in the humanities who chose to teach at two-year institutions during their graduate studies. My fellow cohort member, Joe Wilson, has...
A few years ago, dance scholar Dr. Ratna Roy (Ratna mashi, as I called her in dance practice) told me that she was co-teaching a class with a brain scientist at Evergreen College, and I swallowed my gulp of water...
James Tweedie (Professor, Cinema & Media Studies) has received a Guggenheim Fellowship for his work on artificial settings designed and constructed in the classical Hollywood studios.
Choosing to transfer along whatever pathway, though, appears to be the easiest part of transferring to the University of Washington. Indeed, all of the transfer students I interviewed reported some degree of confusion about at least one aspect of the...
The Simpson Center for the Humanities announces our fellowship awards for 2021-2022 after receiving many strong proposals from University of Washington faculty and graduate students during our most recent fall funding round. We expect to make an announcement about our...
Art at the Borders' next guest, Patricia Alvarez Astacio (Brandeis University) will be offering two events open to the public. The first is a screening & discussion, and the second a visual Anthropology workshop. Read more about these upcoming events...
The transformations possible through the new bill demonstrate what this understanding of historical research can mean in practice.
"Global Literatures & Global Literacies: Teaching Texts, Old and New" is a symposium to advance thinking about the current and future teaching of literature, as well as a new literature major, at UW. It is also an opportunity for networking...
For many graduate students in the humanities, teaching is the primary way to secure funding and gain valuable experience for the competitive academic job market.
The Andrew W. Mellon Sawyer Seminar, "Humanitarianisms," launches its Spring events on April 1st. Author Sinan Antoon will discuss how material and discursive resources and energies are dedicated (insufficiently and unequally) to rescue the living from harm, and to tend...
The University of Washington’s Department of History, like the majority of History departments across the country, trains its graduate students as specialists in specific geographically-defined fields. For instance, we were admitted to the program not so much as “History” students...
Given the challenges faculty face in the pandemic, the Simpson Center will pilot support in two categories: First Book Fellowships and Faculty Summer Reading Groups. Through a pilot program of First Book Fellowships, we will offer funding for assistant professors...