Society of Scholars

The Society of Scholars is an intellectual community of humanists of diverse generations, academic ranks, and departmental affiliations who contribute to and learn from one another’s work. Each year, approximately eight faculty and three dissertation research fellowships support members of the Society of Scholars. Scholars in year-long residence at the University of Washington may be invited to participate as well. The group meets biweekly throughout the year to discuss their research in progress.
Apply for the Fellowship (Faculty)
2024 - 2025 Society of Scholars

2019 - 2020 Society of Scholars Fellow

Belinda He (she/her/hers)
The Invention of Hostile Views: Class Struggle, Exposure, and Cinema as Show Trial in Revolutionary China, 1925-1985
Whereas most existing studies take for granted the practices associated with class struggle, my dissertation traces an alternative history of how class struggle was made in China. Drawing on archives, fieldwork, and an audiovisual corpus, the project explores the mass production of hostile views—penal spectacles, hate images, antagonistic ideologies, and encounters of watching-as-judging. I argue that the mutual constitution of image and justice, upon which class struggle was legitimized and in effect produced everyday violence.