Society of Scholars

The Society of Scholars is an intellectual community of humanists of diverse generations, academic ranks, and departmental affiliations who contribute to and learn from one another’s work. Each year, approximately eight faculty and three dissertation research fellowships support members of the Society of Scholars. Scholars in year-long residence at the University of Washington may be invited to participate as well. The group meets biweekly throughout the year to discuss their research in progress.
Apply for the Fellowship (Faculty)
2024 - 2025 Society of Scholars

2023 - 2024 Society of Scholars Fellow

Reuven Pinnata (he/him/his)
Totalizing Nusantara: On World Literature as Indonesian Literature
Totalizing Nusantara reads Indonesian literature as world literature through the concept of the totality of capital. Drawing on the tradition of Indonesian and non-Indonesian Marxist thought, Totalizing Nusantara polemicizes against the provincialization of Indonesian literary works as a repository of cultural-historical data and shows that they actually apprehend the broader world-making and -unmaking dynamics of colonial capitalism. In doing so, Totalizing Nusantara offers a model of interpreting Indonesian literary works that, instead of reducing them to mere content, attend to their aesthetic inventions on the level of form.