Ep. 17: Catherine Cole on “Performance and the Afterlives of Injustice in South Africa”

In this special edition of Going Public: Reimagining the PhD, Danny Hoffman (Jackson School of International Studies) interviews Catherine Cole, 2022 Katz Distinguished Lecture. Danny is joined by Nikki Yeboah, playwright and assistant professor in University of Washington’s School of Drama.
They discuss the topic of her lecture, which examines how unresolved pasts tend to return. In the aftermath of state-perpetrated injustice, a façade of peace can suddenly give way. In such circumstances, the voices and visions of artists can help us see what otherwise evades perception. Focusing on contemporary performance in post-apartheid South Africa, this lecture explores how unresolved racialized histories of state-perpetrated violence create conditions of possibility and impossibility for performance artists, choreographers, and theater makers. Cole presents from her recent book, Performance and the Afterlives of Injustice, which brings the most social of art forms—live performance—together with questions about how societies change in the wake of state perpetrated atrocities.
Catherine Cole is Professor of Dance and English at the University of Washington where she served as Divisional Dean of the Arts from 2016-2022. She is an internationally renowned scholar of African performance studies. As a scholar, teacher, and artist, she brings together themes of independence and interdependence, performance in Africa and in the diaspora, disability and movement, post-apartheid art, and postcolonial history. She is the author of Performance and the Afterlives of Injustice published in 2020, and choreographer and performer of dance theatre pieces, including Just Duet, Still Point, and Five Foot Feat.
The 2023-2024 season of Going Public features select Katz Distinguished Lectures from our archive. Learn more about the lecture series and peruse the archive: