Advocating for the Humanities on the Hill

Every year, a coalition of humanities advocates gather in D.C. for Humanities Advocacy Day, organized by the National Humanities Alliance. Meeting with members of congress and their staff, the goal of the day is to advocate for continued federal support and funding for the humanities. This year, Habiba Ibrahim (English) and Michelle Liu (English) joined deans Todd Butler and Courtney Meehan of Washington State University as the delegates for Washington State.

Call for Proposals Spring 2024 Funding Round

The Simpson Center for the Humanities will begin accepting proposals for its Spring Funding Round on Tuesday, March 5, 2024. Applications are due Friday, April 5, 2024.

The Simpson Center provides financial and administrative support for crossdisciplinary research, teaching, and engagement projects in the humanities and humanistic social sciences. We support a wide range of activities, including fellowships, cross-departmental research groups, scholarly conferences and symposia, community-engaged collaborations, and other projects.

Funding Opportunity: LARB Publishing Workshop

Applications to the 2024 LA Review of Books Publishing Workshop will be accepted from January 1-April 1. The Simpson Center will cover the application fees of all UW doctoral students in the arts, humanities, and social sciences who apply to the LA Review of Books Publishing Workshop and the tuition costs of a small number of UW doctoral students accepted into the program, which will be held entirely online from June 24-July 26, 2024.

Call for Proposals for Themed Summer Fellowships: Religious Cultures / Sacred Practices / Spiritual Teachings

In the summer of 2024, the Simpson Center for the Humanities will pilot faculty fellowship support with a thematic emphasis, convening a cohort of faculty actively working on research projects that address this year's theme: aspects of the broad spectrum of religious cultures, sacred practices, and spiritual teachings.

Going Public Season 2: "Audio From the Archive"

The 2023-2024 Season of Going Public features "audio from the archive" of Katz Distinguished Lecturers. Each month, we release a past lecture from speakers such as Robin D.G. Kelley (2010) and Wendy Brown (2008). We invite you to share the lectures with students in your classrooms and join us in listening to an archive of public lectures in the humanities. 

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Call for Applications: Grants to Design Graduate-Level Courses in Translation Studies


With the objective of establishing a graduate-level Translation Studies Certificate, the UW Translation Studies Hub (TSH) is thrilled to announce a 2023-2024 grant for faculty participation in the working group tasked with the development of a Translation Studies Proseminar. This working group will spend the academic year designing a series of interlinked graduate-level syllabi, which will make the regular teaching of the Translation Studies Proseminar possible on an annual basis through the rotation of host departments and teaching faculty.