For Graduate Students

funding spelled out in scrabble tiles


Upcoming Opportunities


Fall Funding Round Application Dates

Opens: October 11, 2024
Due: November 15, 2024




Digital Humanities Summer Fellowship

4 awards granted each year. Applications considered in fall funding round only.

Important Dates

Application Dates
Opens: Fall 2024
Due: Fall 2024

Funding Term
Six weeks in the summer 2025


UW doctoral students who have completed their master's degrees by the deadline for application and who will receive no other funding during the term of the award. Graduate students who have already received digital humanities fellowships may apply again to continue work in the digital humanities. 

Note: applicants who are interested in the Digital Humanities Summer Fellowship and the Barclay Simpson Scholars in Public Fellowship may only apply for one of these opportunities in any given funding round.


The Digital Humanities Summer Fellowships for Graduate Students support scholars whose projects use digital technologies in innovative and intensive ways and/or explore the historical, social, aesthetic, and cross-cultural implications of digital cultures. 

Digital projects may be conceived as a complement to a print project, and projects that incorporate digital components into dissertations are strongly encouraged. For example, we encourage proposals from students who are experimenting with videographic criticism (see [in]Transition: A Media Commons Project).

Joint applications for collaborative projects are encouraged. This may take the form of two doctoral students working together, each with a full fellowship, or one faculty member and one doctoral student working together, each with a full fellowship.


Awards are based predominantly on the scholarly merit of the applications. The level of preparation demonstrated by applicants to undertake the project will also be considered.

Terms of Award

The fellowship carries a stipend of $7,500.

Students are encouraged to request additional project support of up to $2,500. Funds may be used, for example, to support travel to present the research in question at a conference or to enroll in courses presented at the annual Digital Humanities Summer Institute. A budget and a rationale for these expenses must be included in the proposal.

Projects do not necessarily have to be completed during the summer fellowship term.

Summer Residency

In-person participation in the 6 weekly late afternoon meetings of the Digital Humanities Commons is an expectation of the program. This fellowship is not appropriate for those whose projects require time away from the university during the period of the meetings of the fellows. In Summer 2025, the meetings are anticipated to take place from the beginning of A term through the end of July. 

Application Instructions

Complete the Application Form. Please upload the proposal materials as a single, bundled PDF and the budget spreadsheet as a single Excel file.

  • Proposal Narrative. Limit 1,750 words (approximately 6 double-spaced pages). Proposal narratives should describe the project in language clear to non-specialists in their scholarly field. All narratives should address:
    1. Intellectual ambitions and objectives of the project
    2. Methodology/ies engaged
    3. Timeline (anticipated date/quarter of launch or instruction )
    4. Preparation to undertake the project: please detail your level of competency and experience with the digital tools and platforms cited in your proposal. If you do not have existing competency or experience with the proposed tools, please outline your plans for how you will develop sufficient competency. If uncertain about where or how to develop the required skills, we encourage applicants to email the OSC in the UW Libraries to set up a consultation before applying.      
    5. The sustainability of the project: presentation, dissemination, and preservation of the project
    6. Pertinent intellectual property issues, with bearing on who will have rights and/or access to the knowledge/products generated by the project.
  • Bibliography. Limit 550 words. Select primary and secondary sources directly related to the project.
  • CV. Please limit to two pages.
  • Letter of Support. Limit one, from the UW advisor to the project. Please ask that your letter be sent to us directly at
  • Budget and Budget Rationale. Download the required budget spreadsheet. Complete it using the guidance included and submit it through our Application Form with your completed proposal. If you have questions about building your budget, contact Julie Stoverink at