Congratulations to our award recipients and our warm thanks to all who applied.
The Simpson Center for the Humanities announces our Second Book Fellowship and Collaborative Project awards for 2022-2023 after receiving many strong proposals from University of Washington faculty and graduate students during our most recent spring funding round.
Generally speaking, the Simpson Center Executive Board makes awards decisions twice during each academic year. During the spring funding round, the Simpson Center welcomes proposals for collaborative projects and graduate research clusters. Check back for announcements on upcoming funding round dates, instructions, and deadlines.
Congratulations to our award recipients and our warm thanks to all who applied.
Second Book Fellowships
Adair Rounthwaite (Art + Art History + Design)
This Is Not My World: Art and Public Space in Socialist Zagreb
Kathryn Bunn-Marcuse (Art + Art History + Design)
Ka̱ns Hiłile, (‘Making it Right’)–A Collaborative Reframing of Kwakiutl Film and Audio Recordings with Franz Boas Published by Ravenspace (UBC and UW Press Initiative)
Ping Wang (Asian Languages & Literature)
Nature Re-configured: Early Medieval Chinese Literary Culture and the Least Read Major Poet, Xie Lingyun (385-433)
Davinder L. Bhowmik (Asian Languages & Literature)
Off Base: The Rhetoric of Peace in Japan's Military Basetown Literature
Jennifer Bean (Cinema & Media Studies)
Junking Modernity: Early Cinema, Globalization, and the Question of History
Stephen Groening (Cinema & Media Studies)
Television and Collectivity
Alexander Hollmann (Classics)
Magica Levantina
Jesse Oak Taylor (English)
The Unquiet Earth: Intimations of the Anthropocene in the Age of Darwin
Jeffrey Knight (English)
Shakespeare on the Page
Amanda Swarr (Gender, Women & Sexuality Studies)
Envisioning African Intersex: Challenging Colonial Legacies in South African Medicine
Christine (Cricket) Keating (Gender, Women & Sexuality Studies)
Educating for Coalition: Popular Education and Political Praxis
Barbara Henry (Slavic Languages & Literatures)
Tales from the Russian Underworld
Collaborative Projects
Jason Groves (German), Olivia Gunn (Scandinavian), Maya Smith (French & Italian), & Kye Terrasi (German)
Colloquium on Transcultural Approaches to Europe
Kathryn Bunn-Marcuse (Art + Art History + Design)
A Curatorial Colloquium on the Reinstallation of Permanent Galleries of Native American Art: Working with Artists and Communities
Josh Reid (History and American Indian Studies)
Indigenous Borderlands in North America: Borders, Crossings, Histories, and Futures
Jasmine Mahmoud (Drama)
Research Cluster on Minoritarian Performance
Ching-In Chen (Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences, Bothell) & Neil Simpkins (Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences, Bothell)
Imagining Trans Futures
Nancy Bou Ayash (English), Aria Fani (Middle Eastern Languages & Cultures), & Sasha Senderovich (Slavic and the Jackson School of International Studies)
Institutionalizing Undergraduate Translation Curricula
Tony Lucero (Jackson School of International Studies)
Horizons of Harm and Repair: The Stories of Manzanar, Diverted
Adam Warren (History)
Troubling Encounters in the History of the Human Sciences: Latin America and the United States Empire, 1870s-2000s
Faculty Summer Reading Groups
Heidi Pauwels (Asian Languages & Literature)
Ancient Epics for the Modern World
Bianca Dang (History)
The Paths and Strategies Toward Alternative Futures: Refusals of and Resistance to Racialization and Anti-Blackness in the U.S.
Charles LaPorte (English)
Historical Poetry and Poetics
Mal Ahern (Cinema & Media Studies)
Visual Culture Now: Vision, Materiality, Embodiment
Graduate Research Clusters
Nicole Block (Art + Art History + Design)
Dismantling the Canon
Ananya Sikand (Art + Art History + Design)
Feminist Writing
Lauryn Hanley (Classics)
Textile Studies
Meshell Sturgis (Communication)
Amna Farooqi (Drama)
Critical Performance
Nikita Willeford Kastrinos (English)
Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century Studies
Kathleen Escarcha (English)
Transnational Filipinx Diaspora Studies
Michelle Noyes (Genome Sciences)
Genomics Salon
Soohyung Hur (Geography)
Constellation of Asian Racialization
Brendan McElmeel (History)
The Study of Emotions
Erika Versalovic (Philosophy)
Critical Humanities in Medical Education (CHIME)
Connor Gilroy (Sociology)
Gender and Sexuality