Deborah Kamen (she/her/hers)

Deborah Kamen (she/her/hers)
I am broadly interested in Greek cultural and social history, with a particular focus on slavery. My first book, Status in Classical Athens (Princeton University Press, 2013), maps a spectrum of ten social and legal statuses in classical Athens, questioning the ideology of three neatly defined status groups—slave, metic, and citizen—so commonly found in both ancient Greek literature and modern classical scholarship. My second book, Insults in Classical Athens (University of Wisconsin Press, 2020), examines the range of insults in Athens from benign mockery to serious affronts. I have also written commentaries on Isaeus' Orations 2 and 6 (Bryn Mawr Commentaries 2000) and Pseudo-Demosthenes' Against Neaira (Dickinson Classical Commentaries, online 2018; print book 2021), as well as a number of articles on Roman slavery and sexuality. Most recently, I co-edited (with C. W. Marshall) a volume entitled Slavery and Sexuality in Classical Antiquity (University of Wisconsin Press, 2021). For many years I served as co-chair of the Lambda Classical Caucus, a coalition of LGBTQ Classicists and their allies affiliated with the Society for Classical Studies.
Selected Research
- Deborah Kamen and C.W. Marshall, eds. Slavery and Sexuality in Classical Antiquity. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 2021.
- Deborah Kamen. Insults in Classical Athens. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press: 2020.
- Deborah Kamen. Pseudo-Demosthenes: Against Neaira. Carlisle, PA: Dickinson College Commentaries: 2018.
- Deborah Kamen, "The Consequences of Laughter in Aeschines' Against Timarchos." Archimède: Archéologie et histoire ancienne 5 (2018) 49-56.
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- Deborah Kamen. "Manumission and Slave-Allowances in Classical Athens." Historia 65.4 (2016) 413-26
- Sarah Levin-Richardson and Deborah Kamen. "Lusty Ladies in the Roman Imaginary." In Ancient Sex: New Essays. Eds. R. Blondell and K. Ormand. Columbus: Ohio State University, 2015. 231-252.
- Sarah Levin-Richardson and Deborah Kamen. “Revisiting Roman Sexuality: Agency and the Conceptualization of Penetrated Males.” In Sex in Antiquity: Exploring Gender and Sexuality in the Ancient World. Eds. M. Masterson, N. Rabinowitz, and J. Robson. Routledge, 2015. 449–460.
- Deborah Kamen. "Kina[i]dos: A Pun in Demosthenes' On the Crown?" CQ 64.1 (2014) 405-8
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- Deborah Kamen. "Sale for the Purpose of Freedom: Slave-prostitutes and Manumission in Ancient Greece," CJ 109.3 (2014) 281-307.
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- Deborah Kamen. "Slave-prostitutes and ἐργασία in the Delphic Manumission Inscriptions," ZPE 188 (2014) 149-53.
- Deborah Kamen. "The Manumission of Socrates: A Rereading of Plato’s Phaedo." Classical Antiquity 32 (2013): 78-100.
- Deborah Kamen. Status in Classical Athens. Princeton: Princeton University Press: 2013.
- Deborah Kamen. "Naturalized Desires and the Metamorphosis of Iphis." Helios 39 (2012): 21-36.
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- Deborah Kamen. "Manumission, Social Rebirth, and Healing Gods in Ancient Greece." D. Geary and S. Hodkinson, eds., Slaves and Religions in Graeco-Roman Antiquity and Modern Brazil. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars: 2012. 174-194.
- Deborah Kamen. "Reconsidering the Status of khôris oikountes." Dike 14 (2011): 43-53.
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- Deborah Kamen. "Slave Agency and Resistance in Martial." R. Alston, E. Hall, and L. Proffitt, eds., Reading Ancient Slavery. London: Bristol Classical Press: 2011. 192-203.
- Deborah Kamen. "A Corpus of Inscriptions: Representing Slave Marks in Antiquity." Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome 55 (2010): 95-110.
- Deborah Kamen. "Servile Invective in Classical Athens." Scripta Classica Israelica 28 (2009): 43-56.
- Deborah Kamen. "The Life Cycle in Archaic Greece." H. A. Shapiro, ed., The Cambridge Companion to Archaic Greece. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press: 2007. 85-107.
- Deborah Kamen. Isaeus’ Orations 2 and 6. Bryn Mawr: Bryn Mawr Commentaries: 2000.
Research Advised: Undergraduate Senior Essays
- Jocelyn Harlan. "Women in Classical Athenian Law Courts." Senior Essay, 2021.
- Anita Chen. "Life of a Foreign Prostitute in Athens." Senior Essay, 2020.
- Sierra Rasmussen. "'The Intimacy of your Thighs'." Senior Essay, 2019.
- William McInnis. "Slavery from Antiquity to Modern History: Common Threads." Senior Essay, 2018.
- Rebekka Nicholson. "The Acquisitional Art of Angling." Senior Essay, 2018.
- Michelle Darci. "Women's Roles and Funeral Rites in Ancient Athens." Senior Essay, 2012.