The issue grows out of Humanistic Perspectives on Global Health Partnerships, a Simpson Center project that gathers scholars across disciplines to consider how the oft-used concept of “partnership” both reveals and obscures power imbalances
The open-access web journal Medicine Anthropology Theory has published a themed issue led by University of Washington faculty examining the notion of “partnership” as it’s used in global health and related fields. The issue grows out of Humanistic Perspectives on Global Health Partnerships, a Simpson Center project that gathers scholars across disciplines to consider how the oft-used concept of “partnership” both reveals and obscures power imbalances when health workers from wealthy countries interact with poor countries, particularly in Africa.
The MAT issue includes multiple contributions from UW faculty and students who participated in the Simpson Center project, along with other project collaborators, including Iruka Okeke, Professor of Pharmaceutical Microbiology at the University of Ibadan, Nigeria, who delivered a keynote to the group in February 2017 and spoke at a colloquium with Paul Farmer in February 2018.
Researchers in the UW group have also published a series of pieces at the website Africa Is a Country. Their work continues this year as a Simpson Center collaboration studio led by Lynn Thomas (History), Johanna Crane (Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences, UW Bothell), and Nora Kenworthy (Nursing & Health Studies, UW Bothell). The three of them wrote the introduction to the MAT issue.
Congratulations, all!