The Simpson Center for the Humanities announces our fellowship awards for 2021-2022 after receiving many strong proposals from University of Washington faculty and graduate students during our most recent fall funding round.
The Simpson Center for the Humanities announces our fellowship awards for 2021-2022 after receiving many strong proposals from University of Washington faculty and graduate students during our most recent fall funding round. We expect to make an announcement about our pilot initiative of First Book Fellowships in late April or early May.
Generally speaking, the Simpson Center Executive Board makes awards decisions twice during each academic year. During the spring funding round, the Simpson Center welcomes proposals for collaborative projects and graduate research clusters. Check back for announcements on upcoming funding round dates, instructions, and deadlines.
Congratulations to our award recipients and our warm thanks to all who applied.
2021-2022 Fellowships
Barclay Simpson Scholars in Public
Kaitlyn Boulding (Doctoral Candidate, Classics)
The Death and Afterlife of Cleopatra, a Radical Audio Guide
Sarah Choi (Doctoral Student, Cinema & Media Studies)
Exploring Elevated Dance Enjoyment through the Hybridity of the Lights Dance Festival
Sarah Inman (Doctoral Candidate, Human Centered Design & Engineering)
COASSToryLines: Weaving Narratives of Public Science and Attachment to Place
Barbara Krystal (Doctoral Candidate, Comparative Literature)
Knowing Water
Caitlin Postal (Doctoral Candidate, English)
Stitching Time: A Making Project
Society of Scholars Fellows
Mika Ahuvia (Assistant Professor, Jackson School of International Studies)
Beyond the Rabbis: An Inclusive History of Ancient Jews
José Alaniz (Professor, Slavic Languages & Literatures)
Comics and Chicanx Art (1960-1980)
Jessica Bachman (Doctoral Candidate, History)
Reading Soviet Books in Postcolonial India, 1951-1991
Dan Berger (Associate Professor, School of Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences, UW Bothell)
Stayed on Freedom: One Family's Journey in the Black Freedom Struggle
Sarah Brucia Breitenfeld (Doctoral Candidate, Classics)
‘Someone Get a Whip!’ Enslaved Women and Violence in Athenian Oratory, Comedy and Curses
Stephanie Clare (Associate Professor, English)
Non-Binary/Woman: An Auto-Theory
Hajin Jun (Assistant Professor, Jackson School of International Studies)
Protestantism and the Politics of Ritual Change in Colonial Korea
Louisa Mackenzie (Associate Professor, French & Italian Studies)
Becoming Non-Binary in Contemporary French Culture
Leigh Mercer (Associate Professor, Spanish & Portuguese Studies)
Identity by Design: The Role of Catalan Nationalism in Barcelona’s Touristic and Cultural Productions
Xin Peng (Doctoral Candidate, Cinema & Media Studies)
The Yellowface of Interwar American Cinema: Technology, Aesthetics, and Transnational Media Practice
Richard Watts (Associate Professor, French & Italian Studies)
Reclaimed Waters: Literary History, Translation, and Resource Decolonization in the Francophone Post/colonial World
Society of Scholars Summer Dissertation Fellowships
Katia Chaterji (Doctoral Candidate, History)
The Archive Performs: Narratives of Islam and Islamic Identity Construction in Sumatra through Malay Performance Traditions
Joseph Concannon (Doctoral Candidate, English)
The Now Criticism: Vernacular Poetry Scholarship, 1990-2005
Grace Funsten (Doctoral Candidate, Classics)
En versus facio: Rewriting Augustan Elegy in Latin Epitaphs, Maximianus, & Louise Labé
Erin Gilbert (Doctoral Candidate, Cinema & Media Studies)
Feral Narratives: More-Than-Human Voices in the Margins of Twentieth Century Europe
Justin Mohler (Doctoral Candidate, Germanics)
Beastly Specters: From Hubris to Hybridity in German Romanticism and Beyond
Matthew Poland (Doctoral Candidate, English)
Collecting Works: Eliot, Dickens, and the Institutions of Literature
Mellon Summer Fellows for New Graduate Seminars in the Humanities
Anis Bawarshi (Chair and Professor, English) and Charles LaPorte (Associate Professor, English)
Genre as/for Social Action (Barwarshi); What We Talk About When We Talk About Genre (LaPorte)
Linda Nash (Professor, History) and Lynn Thomas (Professor, History)
Environmental Histories in the Anthropocene
Michael Blake (Professor, Philosophy) and Sara Goering (Professor, Philosophy)
Ethics Matters: Reinventing the Graduate Certificate in Ethics to Emphasize Public-Facing Work
Mellon Summer Fellows for Public Projects in the Humanities
Alec Fisher (Doctoral Candidate, English) and Alexandra Meany (Doctoral Candidate, English)
Creative Commons in the Crisis of the “Prison Fix”: Thinking New Publics across Incarcerated and Homeless Communities
Madison Heslop (Doctoral Candidate, History) and Anna Nguyen (Doctoral Candidate, History)
Intersections: Mapping the History of Asian Migration onto Coast Salish Lands
Anna Bates (Doctoral Student, Philosophy) and Paul Tubig (Doctoral Candidate, Philosophy)
Fostering Respect across Publics: A Documentary on the Mixed Community of Philosophical Inquiry at the Washington Correctional Center for Women
Digital Humanities Summer Fellowships
Beatrice Arduini (Associate Professor, French & Italian Studies)
Tracing Representations of Domestic Slavery in Medieval and Early Modern Italy
Juliet Shields (Professor, English)
Nineteenth-Century Scottish Novels Database
Maya Smith (Associate Professor, French & Italian Studies)
Reclaiming Venus: Story Map Walking Tour
Jin-Kyu Jung (Associate Professor, School of Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences, UW Bothell) and Nora Kenworthy (Associate Professor, School of Nursing & Health Studies, UW Bothell)
Unmapping and Remaking Digital Health Data: Creative Strategies for Disrupting Narrative and Affect in the Crowdfunding Ecosystem
Yandong Li (Doctoral Student, Cinema & Media Studies)
Mediating Energy Past and Present: Infrastructures of Standard Oil
Hope Reidun St. John (Doctoral Candidate, Anthropology)
Picturing the City: Photographic Practice and the Constitution of Urban Place
Ayda Apa Pomeshikov (Doctoral Candidate, Interdisciplinary Near & Middle Eastern Studies) and Gözde Burcu Ege (Doctoral Candidate, Interdisciplinary Near & Middle Eastern Studies)
Digitized Ethnographies: Humanitarianism(s) and Forced Displacement in the Middle East