The Simpson Center is currently accepting proposals for collaborative, crossdisplinary projects led by UW faculty as well as Graduate Research Clusters.
In recognition of the mutual benefits gained by exchange across university and community spaces, the Simpson Center is piloting a new form of support for community connections during the 2024-2025 academic year. Learn more here.
Katz Distinguished Lecture: Jahan Ramazani, May 13, 2025
On May 13, Jahan Ramazani (English, University of Virginia) will give a Katz Distinguished Lectureon poetry’s capacity to help us grapple with grief through the words of another.
The Walter Chapin Simpson Center for the Humanities
fosters intellectual discovery across boundaries, supporting crossdisciplinary exchange among scholars at the University of Washington and beyond.
The Walter Chapin Simpson Center for the Humanities
Applications to the 2025 LA Review of Books Publishing Workshop will be accepted from January 1-April 1. The Simpson Center will cover the application fees of all UW doctoral students in the arts, humanities, and...
The Simpson Center for the Humanities announces our Fellowship and Collaborative Project awards for 2025-2026 after receiving many strong proposals from University of Washington faculty and graduate students during our most recent funding round. Generally...
Description In recognition of the challenges faced by early career tenure-track faculty, and in response to the very positive reception of our faculty summer fellowship program, the Simpson Center will offer support for First Books...